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Passé Composé Matching Game

With this passé composé matching game your students will actually enjoy memorizing past participles. Let’s face it, learning French verb conjugations can be one of the most painful parts of French class, so why not make it a little more fun? Although I really like comprehensible input strategies and using language in context over rote memorization, I do think that some memorization can be helpful. This is especially true when teaching the passé composé and the past participles. That’s why I love this super easy and quick game to make this memorization more fun.

How it works

Students can work alone, in pairs or in small groups to play. Give each team (or person) a deck of cards. Students spread out the cards on their desks and work to match the verb in the infinitive to the past participle. Whichever team does it the fastest, wins! It’s as simple as that!

The whole thing takes only about 5 minutes, especially when they’re working in groups, so it’s a really quick way to take a little break, yet still be practicing French. It can also be nice to mix-up desk work by encouraging students to stand while they complete the task, or if your classroom has enough space, have them work on the floor.

Game Versions

When teaching the passé composé I divide up my lessons into more manageable chunks (ex regular verbs with avoir, verbs that use être etc). So I have made decks that line up with these lessons. Click on the images below to access these pre-made decks for FREE in my TPT store. They are 100% editable so you can add more verbs, or take away others.

.   Passé Composé Irregular verbs matching game v. Passé Composé Irregular v. Passé Composé être matching game

Click here for more suggestions of passé composé resources you can use in your classroom!

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Salut, I'm Madeleine!

I love creating resources to help busy French teachers save time and energy. I am a settler who has grown up on Coast Salish Territory (also known as Victoria, B.C.). I am currently living with my partner in Mexico City to learn Spanish!